On 07.03.2021 17:58, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:

I have a CI job which runs 'setup -q -P python3,python3-lxml'.  It's nice if that gets me something where "python3 -c 'import lxml'" works, and doesn't require changing every time the default python version is updated.

Currently python3 is a meta-package whose main purpose is to require the default python version (currently python38).  Marco, couldn't you just make python3-foo a meta-package that requires the corresponding python*-foo (currently python38-foo)?


the issue is that Cygport creates the "obsolete" python3-foo
that is replaced by python36-foo automatically.

we should change cygport to use python38 instead
$ cat python3-lxml/python3-lxml-4.6.2-1.hint
category: _obsolete
requires: python36-lxml
sdesc: "Obsoleted by python36-lxml"
ldesc: "The python3-lxml package is obsolete.  Selecting this package for
installation will cause the python36-lxml package, which replaces this
one, to be installed instead."
external-source: python-lxml

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