On 3/17/2021 8:47 AM, sten.kristian.ivars...@gmail.com wrote:
Hi all

Does anyone know the status of these fixes ?

I saw an announcement for cygwin-3.2.0-0.1 that seemed to contain
some AF_UNIX-related fixes but I fail to find out where that
distribution exists (if it is supposed to be publicly accessible?),
but I tried out the
2021-03-01 snapshot and perhaps they are similar ?

You can install cygwin-3.2.0-0.1 in the usual way, through Cygwin's setup
program.  Since it's a test release, you'll have to explicitly select that
release; setup won't just offer it to you.

Ahh thanks, it took a while before I noticed that Text-checkbox ;-)

See more below

We bumped into some AF_UNIX-related issues when trying the 2021-03-01
-snapshot though. It might be some flaws in our code base but the
same code works in quite a few Linux-distros

We're more than willing to help out with testing this and/or trying
to narrow down any possible cygwin issues, but first we'd be glad if
someone could give us some kind of status report of this (so no one
is doing any unnecessary work)

Best regards,

     I tried to build the topic/af_unix -branch according to the FAQ,
but there was some issues

I'm still in the middle of some things on that branch, and I haven't had
much time to work on it recently.  I hope to get back to it very soon.  In
order to build it, you need to add -D__WITH_AF_UNIX to CXXFLAGS.

Is this when building newlib-cygwin ?

It's for building the topic/af_unix branch of the newlib-cygwin repo. If you try to build the master branch with that flag, it should still build, but the resulting DLL will be missing a lot of the AF_UNIX functionality.

I discovered now that I had wrong
MinGW installed and apparently other things are missing as well

See more below

In order to test it, you need

#undef AF_UNIX
#define AF_UNIX 31

after including <sys/socket.h>


The issues we're experiencing is that messages are lost during heavy load.
We essentially do have one thread writing a bunch of messages with a fixed
buffer chunk size and one thread consuming and sometimes messages disappear
or at least end up in the wrong order. When playing around with the size of
the buffer (we sometimes get -1 but no errno) from write and/or receive

Another observation is that for smaller number of, it is faster than named
pipes but the more messages that are written/consumed the performance
derogates a in the end throughput is getting exponentially slower

Hopefully, this is a defect in our code base, but I will try to narrow it
down with and try to reproduce the behaviour and I will then possibly make
another issue at this mailing list

A reproducible test case would be good.


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