On 7/3/2021 12:28 AM, Robert McBroom wrote:
On 7/2/21 5:46 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 7/2/2021 5:21 PM, mcforum wrote:
The legends in the heading for emacs have turned into boxes. the text in buffers is normal.

I'm not sure what you mean by "legends in the heading".  And when you say "have turned into boxes", are you saying that the problem just recently started?  Or have you always found X11 emacs unusable?

The labels on the drop down menus and their contents. Been using emacs on cygwin for decades.

So you're saying this is a recent problem? Can you think of anything on your system that has changed since X11 emacs was last usable for you?

What interaction is causing this? The X11 emacs is unusable emacs -w32 works.

My best guess is that the problem is caused by your customizations. What happens if you run 'emacs -Q'?
Don't do customizations. -Q doesn't help

You said in a different message that you use Courier New. How are you selecting the font in emacs? And does the problem still occur if you just let emacs choose the font?

If you still see the problem with 'emacs -Q', please give a more detailed bug report, following the guidelines here:


And please say exactly how you're starting emacs.

cygwin terminal-->startxwin-->cygwin terminal

emacs . -fh -geometry 100-512 &

Once again, please follow the problem-reporting guidelines at



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