Hi Takashi,

Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
I tested 1.4.16-5 and found another problem in putclip.

If non-ASCII chars are passed to putclip, clip board
has garbage at the end.

Run 'echo αβγ | putclip', then paste clip board to
notepad. 'αβγ' is pasted with a few bytes of garbage.

It seems that the longer non-ASCII string generages longer

Running 'echo αβγαβγαβγαβγαβγαβγ | putclip'
and pasting clip board here, results something like:


Sometimes, error message:
"Couldn't write CF_TEXT format to the clipboard."
is shown.

My locale is "ja_JP.UTF-8".

Could you please have a look?

Thanks for the report and especially the testcase. I can reproduce this. Something like 'cat foo | putclip' where the file foo contains Unicode does work. It's the use of 'echo' with Unicode chars that fails. I'll add that testcase to my procedures and respin -5 with the fix when ready.


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