I've found you must also copy the matching cygwin-console-helper.exe for everything to work correctly!

On 2021-08-31 14:23, Chris Roehrig wrote:
I did a 'git pull' of the latest topic/pipe and rebuilt and I now do indeed get 
100MB/s transfers using both rsync and scp (without pipe_byte).
(It turns out last time I forgot 'make install'  -- Doh!)

I still get the procps error however.

On Tue Aug 31 2021, at 12:53 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:
Thanks, I did some more tests:
        scp also shows no improvement with topic/pipe.    I tried running 
cygsshd with CYGWIN=pipe_byte as well as empty (in the registry 
HKLM/SYSTEM/CurrentControlSet/Services/cygsshd/Parameters/Environment/), using 
net stop cygsshd + net start cygsshd to restart it.   Not sure if that CYGWIN 
only applies to cygsshd or to all cygwin tasks.

I get the procps error just running 'procps' command with no args from mintty 
(/usr/bin/procps).     Looking at the procps-ng source (procps-ng 3.3.17-1 is 
what setup_x86_64 reports as my installed package), it appears to be a mmap() 

I'm wondering if I built/installed cygwin1.dll correctly because I don't get 
the procps error using the latest stock cygwin1.dll as installed by setup_

On Tue Aug 31 2021, at 12:05 PM, Ken Brown via Cygwin wrote:
On 8/30/2021 7:58 PM, Chris Roehrig wrote:
I got it to build and tried out the topic/pipe branch (checked out on Monday 
around 4:30pm PDT):
1.  I didn't see any improvement in my sshd+rsync time, still 3-4 MB/sec.
2.  I get the following error from procps:   procps:ps/output.c:2195: please 
report this bug
(I also get this using the main branch build).
I first updated my cygwin normally using setup-x86_64.exe, then built and 
copied only the cygwin1.dll into /bin from the install/bin directory (quitting 
all cygwin tasks first).

Thanks for testing.

We're still working on this.  (The discussion has moved to the 
cygwin-developers mailing list.)  I'll let you know when it's stable, and maybe 
you can try again.

As to the procps error, can you give details so that someone can try to 
reproduce it and debug it?

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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