
> If you look at the Cygport Install Functions docs for docinto, ...into,
> defining target directories, you would see that an "absolute" path
> disables cygport from prefixing a subdirectory name with the package
> name, etc. so CMakeLists.txt is (linked) under ${S,B}/cmake, and cygport
> will automatically find that, so it should not be required or specified:
>         https://cygwin.github.io/cygport/cmake_cygclass.html#robo767
cygport does not find it.

If CYGCMAKE_SOURCE is not defined into my liblo.cygport, it prints:
*** ERROR: cygcmake: cmake directory not found

If CYGCMAKE_SOURCE is defined as "${S}/cmake", it prints again:
*** ERROR: cygcmake: cmake directory not found

If CYGCMAKE_SOURCE is defined as an absolute path like I have written
in my previous message, it finally works.

> "This is only necessary when the top-level CMakeLists.txt is not in $S
> and cygcmake is not being run in the same subdirectory of $B which under
> $S contains the top-level CMakeLists.txt. (IOW if the top-level
> CMakeLists.txt is in $S/unix and cygcmake is run from $B/unix, setting
> CYGCMAKE_SOURCE would not be necessary.)"

"This is only necessary when the top-level CMakeLists.txt is not in $S"
true, it is under "$S/cmake"

"and cygcmake is not being run in the same subdirectory of $B which
under $S contains the top-level CMakeLists.txt."
also true in my opinion.

It could be possible that I have not understood something, but however
there is also an easy way:
- my cygport file was included in my first email and also attached
into this last one.

- the source archive can be downloaded from this direct link:

- put both them into a directory and execute:

cygport liblo.cygport all

and you will see with your eyes that it does not work.
Perhaps, there are other extra things to write in my cygport that I
don't know about.

thank you very much for your support.

Attachment: liblo.cygport
Description: Binary data

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