Hi Takashi,

Takashi Yano via Cygwin wrote:
Sometimes, putclip shows error
"Unable to open the clipboard"
when I run 'echo A | putclip'.

I digged into this problem, and found OpenClipboard() sometimes
fails with error ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED if it is called just after
SetClipboardData() and CloseClipboard().

Currently, putclip calls OpenClipboard()/CloseClipboard() four
times. Is there any reason why closing and reopening clipboard
several times?

I don't know why the author coded putclip that way. Perhaps Windows required different clipboard interfacing long ago? Or the author was being very cautious?

Is there any problem if you open clipboard once and close it at
the end of function int putclip() just like the patch attached?

The problem above disappears if the patch is applied.

I will implement something similar to your patch for -8 in the next few days. Thank you for digging into this issue; I had seen evidence the clipboard was busy but wondered why Windows itself couldn't serialize access. It's amusing to find that putclip is apparently interfering with itself :-).


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