On Thu, 30 Sep 2021 17:22:25 +0000 (UTC)
"chris.hardison--- via Cygwin" wrote:
> My cygwin install looks good and things seem to work perfectly for some time 
> (hours or days), then a cygwin process started by a windows process that is 
> usually a child process of a windows service written in perl will hang and 
> then most all other cygwin processes will hang or take a very long time to 
> return.

The relationship of the processes is not clear.
How many processes are there regarding windows service?
"a cygwin process" :  A (hangs)
"a window process" :  B (starts A)
"a child process"  :  C
"a windows service":  D (starts C)
perl program       :  E

A = C and B = D = E? (two processes)
B = C and D = E? (three processes)
or other than that?

If you can provide simple test case, it will help much.

Takashi Yano <takashi.y...@nifty.ne.jp>

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