On 10/6/2021 10:22 AM, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
The test release of GNU Emacs 28.0.50 crashed on me when using
emacs-w32.  I can repeat this every time.  I attached the trace and

Windows 11 Pro 64-bit
Take Command 27.01.24 x64
Opened a text file using emacs-w32
Ctrl-X Ctrl-C to exit Exit Emacs
I did not make any changes to the text file

Could this be the following problem that I mentioned in the release 

Compilation is done asynchronously, with a log in a buffer called
*Async-native-compile-log*.  If you run emacs-w32 and exit while a
compilation is in progress, you might see a dialog box saying that
emacs has aborted and asking if you want to attach a debugger.  Just
say No.  If this annoys you, check the compilation buffer before
exiting, and wait for the "Compilation finished" message.

I'll add one more thing that I didn't know when I wrote that: You can customize the variable native-comp-async-query-on-exit if you want to be warned that there are compilations in process when you exit.


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