On 14/10/2021 07:22, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
I have noticed one slight performance issue, which may not be related
to Cygwin at all.

After creating a keyboard macro, the first time the macro is
used/called (^x^e), it does not start right away.  Subsequent uses are
as fast as expected.  Could some sort of run-time compilation going on
in the background before the keyboard macro executes the first time?

As I said, this may not be related to Cygwin at all.

This is mentioned in the announcement for emacs 28.0.60-1.f7e6c199bf (TEST)

   The first few times you run Emacs, it might seem slow to start. This
   is because it is compiling the elisp libraries that are needed for
   your init file (usually .emacs).  For the same reason, you might see
   occasional pauses the first time you use a command.  But otherwise
   you should see a noticeable speed-up of Emacs.

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