Igor Pechtchanski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote around 27 Jan 2003 

> Scott,
> "mount" is part of the "cygwin" package, so it should work if you've
> installed Cygwin.  "man mount"  is another story, however.  A search for
> "man1/mount.1" on <http://cygwin.com/packages/> reveals that you need the
> "cygwin-doc"  package.  Sorry for my assumption that it is installed
> automatically.

I think it might be worth pointing out that 'info' is the newer and
more-supported GNU help system, too, and if `man FOOdo' ever fails, the
user should automatically think "Oh, let's try `info FOOdo' too" before
getting upset or stressed over her inability to get instantaneous help
on "FOOdo".

   Soren A

"So, tell me, my little one-eyed one, on what poor, pitiful,
defenseless planet has my MONSTROSITY been unleashed?"
                       - Dr. Jumba, Disney's "Lilo & Stitch"

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