On 10/18/2021 4:43 PM, OwN-3m-All via Cygwin wrote:
Since those are the two DLLs that are causing a problem for you, maybe
circular dependency doesn't work well on Cygwin for some reason.  Please
downgrading to the previous versions of harfbuzz and freetype2 and see if
fixes the problem.

That did fix the problem!  I downgraded both and restarted, and now apache
and php works again.

Just to double check, could you upgrade harfbuzz and freetype2 again and see if the problem comes back? Make sure that there are no Cygwin processes running and that the _autorebase postinstall script completes successfully. (You can check /var/log/setup.log.full for rebase messages.)

Can that change be reverted or fixed so that it
doesn't happen on future installs?

Yes, I'll revert that change if you can confirm as above that this really is the problem.


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