Dan Harkless via Cygwin writes:

> ...
> Anyone know more about the difficulty in getting those packages to
> work on 64-bit?

Um, yes, I did a lot of work on that back in 2015 and got it working
under Cygwin, with a lot of help from Vin Shelton, but never to the
point of public release because it _only_ compiled with gcc, not with
native Windows C tool chain.

I still use it every day, it crashes about once a week.  Given the
demise of 32-bit, I'll try to get back to it some time in the next few
months, but there's other stuff in the queue ahead of that...

       Henry S. Thompson, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh
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                       URL: http://www.ltg.ed.ac.uk/~ht/
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