> -----Original Message-----
> From: Bill Stewart
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 2021 10:44 AM
> On Wed, Nov 10, 2021 at 8:28 AM Strasser, Dominik (DI SW ICS ICV) wrote:
> I know that this is the standard installation. But we absolutely need
> > passwordless login. So this was the workaround we found.
> > The number of groups differs when sshd is run as local system, and when
> > authorized_keys exist or not. Groups are OK, when it is run under the one
> > user we absolutely need the passwordless login.
> >
> Password-less logon is supported when running as local system. I do this
> all the time, so there must be something that is not correct about your
> configuration.
> Sorry, don't know what that might be.

I slightly misread the email.

To be clear password less login works - BUT as I said MS design choices result 
in a different security token being issues without password vs with password.

As such your ability to access certain resources are limited.

Enumerate the groups you have as PKI authentication then bless those groups to 
perform the action needed.


Jason Pyeron  | Architect
PD Inc        | Certified SBA 8(a)
10 w 24th St  | Certified SBA HUBZone
Baltimore, MD | CAGE Code: 1WVR6
.mil: jason.j.pyeron....@mail.mil
.com: jpye...@pdinc.us
tel : 202-741-9397

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