On 2021-11-12 03:09, Corinna Vinschen via Cygwin-announce via Cygwin wrote:
The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:

* libcbor-0.8.0-1
* libcbor-devel-0.8.0-1

libcbor is a C library for parsing and generating CBOR.

As this is not the first time I have looked this up, it would be nice to have a more explanatory description like:

"...generating Concise Binary Object Representation data format defined in RFC 8949 designed by C.BORmann with the goals of extremely small code size, fairly small message size, and extensibility without the need for version negotiation."

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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too much technical detail. Reader discretion is advised.
[Data in binary units and prefixes, physical quantities in SI.]

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