On 9/8/2020 4:57 PM, Andrew Schulman via Cygwin-announce wrote:
You can install any number of these packages side-by-side. Separate
packages are needed because in order to synchronize your files, you have to
run compatible versions of Unison on the client and server. Two Unison
executables are compatible if and only if:

(1) They have the same first two numbers of the Unison version. For
example, all Unison versions 2.48.* are compatible with each other. But if
you try to use version 2.51.x to sync with a server running version 2.48.y,
Unison will issue an error message about incompatible versions and quit.


(2) They were built with compatible versions of the OCaml compiler.

This old problem reared its ugly head again for me, but I found a simple solution that I'm passing on in case it's of use to others.

My situation is that for years I have been syncing my Cygwin system with a Linux system on which I had built unison 2.48.x with OCaml 4.04.x. This is compatible with Cygwin's unison2.48+4.04.2. But I just added a second Linux system that I want to keep in sync with my other systems, and this one comes with a Unison compatible with Cygwin's unison2.48+4.08.1.

It turns out that Unison's upstream maintainer is making Linux binaries available, built with various different versions of OCaml. See, for examples, the Assets listed under v2.51.4 at


So if I install unison2.51 on Cygwin and install the appropriate binary in ~/bin on both of the Linux machines that I want to sync with, then everything works. For example, if I see

  $ unison -version
  unison version 2.51.4 (ocaml 4.12.0)

on Cygwin, then I know that I need to use unison-v2.51.4+ocaml-4.12.0+x86_64.linux.tar.gz on the Linux machines.

It's still annoying, but not as bad as it used to be.


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