Am 14.12.2021 um 18:45 schrieb
Hi Cygwin,

I'm compiling a non Cygwin code using  ./config, make, make install.

How exactly are you using "./config"? Is it a normal GNU autoconf ./configure script? If so, you should probably have made that point to the mingw cross-compilers distributed with cygwin, e.g.

        ./configure --host=i686-w64-mingw32

Other configuration script generators (hopefully) have similar wayss of pointing them at a compiler target other than the native one. For a non-Cygwin project expecting Windows API headers, a MingW cross compilation like the above is a whole lot more likely to just work than a mash-up Cygwin-with-Windows-headers-on-top one.

The make output  says  /include/w32api  file or directory not found.

Make output is most likely just a symptom here. The problem happened during configuration. It probably tried to locate those files in $(some_prefix)/include/w32api, but didn't find any prefix that applied. So now $(some_prefix) evaluates to an empty string.

I also notice that w32api.h defines every version of windows but stops at
Is it permissible to add

#define windows10  0X0603

Well, there's no law forbidding it ;-)

But it's fragile (may be overwritten by any update of the package it came from), and would be somewhat beside the point. Those definitions, like it says in the comment right above them, are just a gimmick for the user to make selecting a target version slightly easier. You can just as easily set your WINVER to 0x0603 directly, instead of relying on your locally patched version of a standard header file, where that local change will probably be updated away the very week you completely forget about that tweak you made, many moons ago. And it wouldn't work for anyone else you passed your sources to, either, because they would be lacking that local modification.

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