On 04.01.2022 19:08, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 04.01.2022 06:15, Mark Geisert wrote:
Mark Geisert wrote:
I haven't been able to reproduce the issue with -7 or the more recent -8 test version.  I suppose you might try -8 and see if it helps. Puzzling...

Sorry, the {put,get}clip.exe are in cygutils-extra package.  But -8 is correct.


Thanks Mark,
-8 seems to work fine.

Hi Mark,
just found another issue

$ putclip < Announce_octave
Aborted (core dumped)

It seems caused by the longest line (86 characters)

$ cat Announce_octave  | putclip
Aborted (core dumped)

$ cat Announce_octave | sed -e "/html$/ d" | putclip

of course the Clipboard is fine

$ cat Announce_octave  > /dev/clipboard
To: cygwin-annou...@cygwin.com
Subject: Updated: octave-6.4.0-1

New versions 6.4.0-1 of


are available in the Cygwin distribution:

Latest upstream  release. 

there are 2 octave main binaries with multiple graphic properties
  octave          command line with full plotting capabilities

  octave --gui    graphical interface

  octave-cli      command line inteface with plotting
                  restricted to fltk and gnuplot toolkits                

Of the 3 graphics toolkit fltk, gnuplot and qt

  fltk is the worst performing on cygwin
  gnuplot the lightest
  qt the most graphic rich

You need to install with setup the specific forge package 
you are looking for.

The update of the global pkg database is managed 
by cygwin setup during the postinstall phase.
A semaphore system is in place to update the database only when needed 
and just one time, also when multiple forge packages are added or removed.
The GNU Octave language for numerical computations is a (mostly 
Matlab (R) compatible) high-level language, primarily intended 
for numerical computations.  It provides a convenient command-line 
interface for solving linear and nonlinear problems numerically.


Marco Atzeri

If you have questions or comments, please send them to the 
cygwin mailing list at: cygwin (at) cygwin (dot) com .
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