On Mon, Jan 31, 2022 at 10:54:19PM +0000, TPI.Slingshot wrote:
> I was running Cygwin 3.3.1 on a windows 10 pc.
> When I update to 3.3.4, I couldn’t run Cygwin on this hardware anymore.
> The installer says “cygwin1.dll” can’t run on this hardware.

This sounds like the known problem with 3.3.4-1, discussed several times
on this list today already.

Please try the new 3.3.4-2 release, discussed at
If your normal mirror hasn't picked that release up yet, you'll need to
either find a more up-to-date mirror, or wait until your current mirror
has picked up that release.

> I had to find a mirror that hadn’t updated to 3.3.4 to get Cygwin  back.

This shouldn't be necessary, at least if you were using one of the
mirrors offered by default by the installer: I believe all the official
mirrors are required to keep full copies of previous releases, so you
should have been able to select 3.3.3-1 (or indeed any of several older
releases) by selecting the version you wanted from the drop-down in the

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