On Fri, 18 Mar 2022 at 07:23, n952162 wrote:
> Am 18.03.2022 um 00:22 schrieb Andy Koppe:
> > On Thu, 17 Mar 2022 at 20:32, René Berber wrote:
> >> On 3/17/2022 1:03 PM, n952162 wrote:
> >>
> >>> Does anyone know how I can disable the highlighting that occurs when I
> >>> copy and paste in xterm?
> >>>
> >>> Escape sequences are added to achieve that and sometimes they're not
> >>> being properly interpreted.
> >>>
> >>> Why would I want that anyway?
> >> The same thing happens to (plain, non X windows) mintty.
> >>
> >> It started recently, maybe a couple of weeks.  No idea how to fix it,
> >> haven't really tried.
> >>
> >> Very annoying.
> > It came in with the readline 8.1 update in September last year, which
> > enabled "bracketed paste mode" by default. (I think zsh has had it
> > enabled for a few years.)
> >
> > As n952162 said, it tells the terminal to enclose pasted text in
> > escape sequences.
> >
> > There are several points to this:
> > - It stops accidental multi-line pastes from getting immediately
> > executed line by line.
> > - It makes it easier to undo a paste, as you can cut it out in one go
> > rather than deleting manually.
> > - Pasting can be faster, as the application can process the paste in
> > one chunk rather than treating it as char-by-char keyboard input.
> >
> > But yep, sometimes it can go wonky, in particular when the bracketing
> > mode for some reason is left on for an application that doesn't expect
> > it.
> >
> > For readline, it can be disabled in ~/.inputrc:
> >
> > set enable-bracketed-paste off
> >
> > Regards,
> > Andy
> Andy, perhaps you can speak to another, almost related issue, which I
> posted on 10th of March:
>     /xterm*VT100.Translations only when mouse is over the window with focus/
> A copy is attached here.  This is only a Cygwin issue, as far as I know.
> Perhaps you can recommend someone who I could turn to, to get a fix, an
> explanation, a workaround, or help to get started doing a fix?

I'm afraid I can't help with that, but hopefully the Cygwin/X
maintainer has seen your report. It might be interesting whether it
happens in the different XWin modes (single window, rootless,
multiwindow), or on a Linux host.

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