
S.J. Luo wrote:
SL on Apr 26, 2022:

I have some EDA tools running on a Linux machine and display on my Windows
PC using xorg-server-21.1.3 XWin multiwindow mode
Sometimes the application window flickers forever for an unknown reason.
The problem became more severe after my PC upgrade to Windows10.

After re-compiling and debugging, I found a calling loop triggered.
Knowing the root cause, I am now able to demonstrate the issue with a small
test case as well as a patch that works for me. Both are attached below.

Any one successfully duplicated the issue?

I've reproduced it. That's a really annoying effect/issue you're seeing. I've been waiting for the Cygwin X maintainer to respond. I'm not familiar enough with X internals to know whether your patch is the most appropriate fix.

I will try to build the object you're patching, with your patch, and make that available to you as a workaround. I'm assuming you haven't done that yourself just yet.. Give me a day or so to work it out.


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