On 7/9/2022 11:37 AM, Lavrentiev, Anton (NIH/NLM/NCBI) [C] via Cygwin wrote:
Hi all,

It took me awhile to figure this one out, but I think I have a good test case to
demonstrate a (rather serious, actually) issue with Cygwin sockets and 

In short, when a reading end of a socket half closes for write (basically, 
signaling the
other end of no more data to expect, resulting in TCP FIN and, subsequently, 
EOF in the other
end's read()), if that end keeps reading the still incoming remaining data, it 
will face with
a lot of "exception" conditions, which are just spurious.

This was fixed in Cygwin 3.3.0, as the announcement of the latter stated:


You stated in a different thread that you have chosen to use an old version of Cygwin for your everyday work. But you can still run a parallel Cygwin installation that you keep up to date, so that you can check whether a bug has been fixed before reporting it.


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