On 2022-07-19 21:03, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2022-07-19 15:06, Ken Brown wrote:
On 7/19/2022 3:54 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
On 2022-07-19 12:00, Ken Brown wrote:
On 7/19/2022 1:07 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
Setup still shows coreutils 9.1 as test, but it should *NOT* be installed by anyone.

Then shouldn't you remove it?  And you could also upload an override.hint file with a "replace-versions" line for the sake of people who have already installed it.

I tried various measures and thought override.hint with replace-versions: 9.1-1 was there.

It is there, so whatever you did worked.  But that doesn't prevent people from installing 9.1-1.  If someone installs 9.1-1, then the *next* time they run setup they'll get the suggestion to downgrade it.

I previously asked about reverting the release, and did as suggested.

If you really don't want anyone to install 9.1-1, you should remove it.

How do I get calm and setup to do that in the release area?

I have manually uploaded empty:


and created !ready files in:


which appears to have moved the files to the vault(/Attic) and dropped the entries from setup.ini

That seems like a job for a cygport command like remove/vault! ;^>

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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