On Wed, Jul 13, 2022 at 08:44:22AM +0000, Oledzki, Maciej (Nokia - PL/Wroclaw) 
> Hi,
> Latest git-review package available in Cygwin repository (2.1.0-1) is not 
> compatible with latest git package (2.37.0-1).
> Following error appears in during gerrit review:
> Errors running git rebase -p -i remotes/gerrit/master
> fatal: --preserve-merges was replaced by --rebase-merges
> This problem is fixed in git review 2.2.0:
> https://docs.opendev.org/opendev/git-review/latest/releasenotes.html#relnotes-2-2-0
> It would be great if version 2.2.0 (or more recent) of git-review was 
> available.

Marco, are you able to get this updated?  I've had a play with the
current cygport file, and it looks like the update works trivially,
although I haven't been able to set up a test environment to test it
locally.  My changes are at [0] if you want to see them, but I don't
think there's anything very interesting.

[0]: https://github.com/me-and/Cygwin-git-review/tree/prerelease

Maciej, it looks like you should be able to install this yourself from
PyPI or from the source itself.  Alternatively I've prepared a Cygwin
package that you should be able to install manually.


-   If you have an appropriate version of `python*-pip` installed, run

        python3 -m pip install git-review

-   If you want to install from source yourself, it's available at

-   If you want to use my tentative Cygwin build, make sure you have
    the curl, python39 and python39-setuptools packages installed, and
    the git-review package _uninstalled_, then run:

        curl -L 
 | tar -xJC/

    As above, I've not actually been able to test this package, so I
    can't provide any guarantees about it, but you're very welcome to
    give it a go!



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