On Mon, Jul 25, 2022 at 3:12 AM Thomas DiModica via Cygwin  wrote:
> Since 8.2.3755-1, Vim has given me an error message about being unable to 
> open the defaults.vim file whenever I open a file with vi. I do not see this 
> message with 8.2.0486-1. Notably, vi --version for the last two updates tell 
> me that the user vimrc file is "/home/Marco/.virc", rather than 
> "$HOME/.virc". Possibly, the problem is that I'm the only person who actually 
> uses vi to do simple tasks who doesn't customize it to death. Anyway, it's a 
> nuisance to me, probably will be mysterious to others.
> Thanks,
> Thomas D

thanks for the report

I will look on it for the next release


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