On Aug  2 09:57, Ken Brown wrote:
> On 8/2/2022 4:19 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> > On Aug  2 13:12, Takashi Yano wrote:
> > > Then, what about the v2 patch attached?
> > 
> > symlink_wsl is doing the right thing, as Ken points out.
> Actually, I was suggesting that symlink_wsl was doing the wrong thing in
> case the user used an uppercase drive letter.  WSL doesn't recognize /mnt/C,
> so I don't think symlink_wsl should convert /cygdrive/C to /mnt/C.

Oh, ok... but then again... that means Takashi's patch is doing just the
right thing.  D'oh.  Yeah, ok, I'm fine with that.  Please feel free to
push your patch, Takashi.


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