Lee wrote:
On 8/9/22, Christian Franke wrote:
Brian Inglis wrote:
I've been running with /etc/resolv.conf for a few years now, generated
from the ISP info from ipconfig and lists of public DNS servers and

The attached postinstall script 0p_l_etc_resolv_conf.dash generates a
new resolv.conf and replaces the current if different every update.
It is also run at cron startup and that covers system startup.

The AWK script collects names and addresses from ipconfig ouput and
adds lists of public DNS servers and public suffixes in the proper order.

How this works with other ISPs or in other network environments is not
anything I ever thought of testing externally.
Feel feel to try it and change it if curious or interested.
This is an interesting approach, thanks for sharing.
Yes, interesting script

Unfortunately the ipconfig output is always localized, so this does only
work OOTB with English versions of Windows. The ipconfig parsing is also
broken due to two reasons:

- The current Cygwin versions of awk, grep and sed no longer convert
CR/LF -> LF on stdin, so '/FooBar$/' patterns never match.
Which is handled by
   /\r/   { sub( /\r/, "", $NF) }  # trim \r

Indeed - sorry for the noise. Then only the scoped IPv6 addresses were the problem.

I get " ca. org. com. net." appended to the search suffix list; that
should be fixed.

These are apparently added unconditionally. Could be fixed by removing lines 141-152 from the awk script.


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