On 8/9/2022 4:01 PM, Oskar Skog wrote:
On 2022-08-09 22:52, Ken Brown wrote:
I think the best fix is to set res = 0 at the beginning of the loop and to remove a "res = -1" that occurs later.  I've sent a patch to cygwin-patches.


 From https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin-patches/2022q3/011994.html
 > Currently it is possible for symlink_info::check to return -1 in case
 > we're searching for foo and find foo.lnk that is not a shortcut.

Does it matter that it is *not* a shortcut for this patch to work?

I first experienced this issue using an actual shortcut, but simplified
the reproduction code.

mkshortcut -n Foo.lnk ...   ->  touch Foo.lnk

It still works. I'll fix the commit message. [The code in question is actually checking whether foo.lnk is a shortcut that Cygwin treats as a symlink.]


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