On 9/19/2022 6:05 PM, Enrico Forestieri wrote:
Ken Brown wrote:

> I did an internet search on this issue and found the following, which describes the

 > situation we're discussing:


> According to that post, select on Linux will wait for a writer the first time it's

> called to check read readiness for a FIFO opened for reading with O_NONBLOCK set.

> But if the writer then closes the FIFO, subsequent calls to select will always find

> the FIFO read ready (and read will return 0). This behavior is not documented, as far as

> I can tell, and in fact it contradicts the existing documentation (both POSIX and Linux).

 > So I don't think someone trying to write a portable program should rely on 

Please, note that this code was working on cygwin the way it works on linux until some

time ago, maybe last year, I am not sure. I also found this stackoverflow discussion:


I tried the code also on Solaris and NetBSD and it works exactly as on linux, so I think

it is portable.

Then I guess I'm wrong. I'm really puzzled, because it seems that none of these platforms agree with POSIX, which says the following in its 'read' documentation:

    When attempting to read from an empty pipe or FIFO:

        If no process has the pipe open for writing, read() shall return 0 to
        indicate end-of-file.

It seems that there's an exception: If no process has ever had the FIFO open for writing since it was opened for reading, then the FIFO is not considered to be at end-of-file.

I'll look into fixing this. But I'd be more confident about it if I could find some documentation of the existing behavior.


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