On Thu, 22 Sep 2022 05:24:50 -0700, Rachel Samantha Brodman wrote:
I'm trying to generate a multispectral image using the MICA toolbox plug-in, and I have been receiving an error message when trying to
use JPEG images. The error message reads "lookup thread terminated
with code 1". This public mailing list was provided so I wanted to
reach out.
From previous complaints about this, the Cygwin fix is explained here:


which basically says you have really outdated software, as does:


which suggests you also need to upgrade Java, and maybe also MICA toolbox from:


as well as ImageJ and newer Java from:


as most of the other versions are years out of date, and older Java versions have serious security problems, as well as older Cygwin and Java have issues running on recent Windows, so future support may have issues.

If you are running on older systems, you may have to install older versions to run the apps.

You may want to reach out on Jolyon's Empirical Imaging Forums in future as recommended for more relevant advice from the developers.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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