On Mon, 21 Nov 2022 at 12:46, Jon Turney wrote:
> - Add view modes "Removable" and "Unneeded" (thanks to Christian Franke)
> -- "Removable" shows installed packages that were selected, but can now
> be safely removed, as no installed package depends on them
> -- "Unneeded" shows packages which were automatically installed, but can
> now be safely removed, as no installed depends on them

Thank you, everyone involved in this! I'd been lamenting cygcheck-dep
not getting updated for the new dependency declaration methods, but
noticed these new options when I ran the installer yesterday, and was
very appreciative!

> - Add Ctrl-I/R/U as keyboard accelerators for
> install/reinstall/uninstall in the package chooser (thanks to Christian
> Franke)

I am also very grateful for this, too – I'm a keyboard monkey and I
find the current package selection process somewhat tedious – but I'm
also wondering if there's a way to make it more obvious. I think a lot
of folk would benefit from this function who probably aren't reading
these announcements, including all the folk who sign up in future. I
can think of a couple of obvious options, namely adding instructions
in the grey areas above or below the chooser, or adding the shortcuts
in brackets in the package selection drop-downs, but fundamentally I'd
just like to have it suggested somewhere other than the mailing list
archives for future users.

> This is not the place for setup feature requests.

Having probably just broken that rule, can you clarify what _is_ the
place for setup feature requests? Neither
https://sourceware.org/cygwin-apps/setup.html nor
https://cygwin.com/lists.html seemed to suggest a better option…

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