On 3/10/2023 8:47 AM, Markus Becker via Cygwin wrote:
Dear Guys,

I am quite an newby in Cygwin scripting and encountered several execution
issues with bash scripts. For example, when i try to execute the following
simple scriptfile "skript1.sh":

# This is a testscript
Statement="This is the testscript number 3"
ls -l $FILE
echo $Statement
echo The file is $FILE

i got these results:

$ ./skript1.sh
ls: cannot access 'home/mbecker/Secure_Copy_Beispiel.txt'$'\r\r': No such
file or directory
This is the testscript number 3
The file is home/mbecker/Secure_Copy_Beispiel.txt

or another results from a different script:

$ ./skript7.sh
./skript7.sh: line 3: $'clear\r': command not found
Drâ–’cken sie beliebige Tasten und dann return
': not a valid identifierd: `TASTE

These are just two of several issues coming up with bash scripting in
Cygwin. Maybe this is merely a corse problem with my platform
understanding. But why is Cygwin calling errors when performing standard
Linux bash commands? Is it due to a different syntax? Or is it even simpler?

It looks like your scripts have CRLF line endings.


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