On 2023-03-12 18:40, Yeo Kai Wei via Cygwin wrote:
May I ask if there's a bug with Cygwin and Windows currency?

Windows Language Locale culture codes and currencies

This is the output from the code below.
Region: en_AU.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: AUD
Region: en_CA.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: CAD
Region: en_GB.utf-8 Currency symbol: £ International currency symbol: GBP
Region: en_US.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: USD
Region: en_NZ.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: NZD
Region: en_ZM.utf-8 Currency symbol: $ International currency symbol: NZD <---- ERROR The correct answer should be "Region: en_ZM.utf-8 Currency symbol: K International currency symbol: ZMK"
                                 ZMW Zambia kwacha

Install Cygwin package units and see /usr/share/units/currencies.units:

$ units_cur
$ grep zambia /usr/share/units/currency.units
ZMW                    zambiakwacha
zambiakwacha              0.049970632087833 USD

Supposedly, the code works on Linux.
Is this an issue with Windows?
How can one solve this issue?
If you look at the Windows Locale culture id ref:



only two official languages are supported for Zambia and only since Windows 10:

Language        Location        Language        Language        Supported
                (or type)       ID              tag             version
Bemba           Zambia          0x1000          bem-ZM          Release 10
English         Zambia          0x1000          en-ZM           Release 10
Language        Language
ID              tag
0x1000          Locale without assigned LCID if the current user default locale.
                See section 2.2.1.
2.2.1 Locale Names without LCIDs
Every locale name without an assigned LCID MAY be temporarily given one of the LCIDs in the following table, if the application requests an LCID.<14> These locale names include any valid [RFC5646] language tag. Note: LCID assignments for Locale Names without LCIDs are temporary and are not suitable for use across a protocol, or for interchange between processes or machines. These temporary LCID assignments are also unsuitable for tagging persisted data as the meaning of the LCID assignment will change over time.
Name                            Value   Conditions
LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED<17> 0x1000 When an LCID is requested for a locale without a permanent LCID assignment, nor a temporary assignment as above, the protocol will respond with LOCALE_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED for all such locales. Because this single value is used for numerous possible locale names, it is impossible to round trip this locale, even temporarily. Applications should discard this value as soon as possible and never persist it. If the system is forced to respond to a request for LCID_CUSTOM_UNSPECIFIED, it will fall back to the current user locale. This is often incorrect but may prevent an application or component from failing. As the meaning of this temporary LCID is unstable, it should never be used for interchange or persisted data.
This is a 1-to-many relationship that is very unstable.

So it looks like you can only use this if you set this to the current user default locale, or set that up under your own custom locale using one of the other termporary assignment ids available, and set the current user default locale to that.

Instructions for doing so are available out there on the web if you search hard!

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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