On 27/03/2023 21:18, Bill Stewart via Cygwin wrote:
On Wed, Mar 4, 2020 at 6:32 AM Jon Turney wrote:

If a package is listed for both -x and -P, it is reinstalled, so while
not ideal, you might be able to achieve something like what you want
with 'setup -I -x "package1,package2,package3" -P

An option which explicitly just installs the source for a specified
package might be useful.

It seems that

--local-install -x "package[,...]" -P "package[,...]"

...no longer works to automate source download for packages already

Is there another workaround? (Or did I miss something obvious?)

Sorry, based on the previous discussion at [1] this seems to be broken at the moment, due to '-x' being broken.

[1] https://cygwin.com/pipermail/cygwin/2023-February/252994.html

If you really need this, please try old setup versions from [2]. If you discover which version it got broken in, and/or work out how to fix it, please let us know.

[2] https://cygwin.com/setup/

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