On 30/05/2023 20:55, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2023-05-30 06:21, Jon Turney via Cygwin wrote:
On 29/05/2023 23:42, Brian Inglis via Cygwin wrote:
On 2023-05-29 16:06, akakima via Cygwin wrote:
Does such a place exist (beside fruitbat) ?

Appears the master and all mirrors have stub setup.ini and nothing else!
Only private mirrors like fruitbat are likely to maintain history.

This answer is wrong is almost every particular.

Good - nothing like a definitely wrong statement in a post to bring out an illuminating correction in a reply!

No, we're not going to play that game. Posting misinformation doesn't oblige me to provide a correction (because that's an easily exploitable infinite time sink).

Please avoid making definitive statements you don't know to be true on this list in future.

I went to a some effort to maintain an accessible archive of the last 32-bit cygwin (See [1]).

Please don't spread misinformation.

Both the OP and myself, and likely others, missed the alternative:
I just went back and reread it a few times, and finally got the point;
also in the Install FAQ - I just noticed it third time thru, after searching the page for "sourceware".


   An incomplete list of sourceware mirrors is available at:


   (Not all sourceware mirrors may carry the cygwin-archive mirror.)

Again, this is wrong.

sourceware mirrors by definition mirror the entire "ftp directory" from sourceware.

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