On 22/08/2023 17:55, ASSI via Cygwin wrote:
Ken Brown via Cygwin writes:
On 8/21/2023 11:02 AM, ASSI via Cygwin wrote:
(although in this case maybe i got spooked by the change
from 1.2.x to 1.3)

It looks like that's exactly what happened.  The version check
compares the first 4 characters of the version string.

Almost exactly the same problem happened 13 years ago or so.  Instead of
heeding the comment right in the file that only the first character of
the version string should be examined (or else compare ZLIB_VERNUM),
they chose to shorten the comparison from 5 to 4 characters…

I've been made aware of what seems to be a similar problem in cmake's "find_package(ZLIB)", see:


I think that means we need a cmake update with a fix for that...

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