On Mon, 28 Aug 2023 at 00:14, Cary Lewis via Cygwin <cygwin@cygwin.com> wrote:
> In a cygwin process that is started either from mintty or bash directly the
> following:
> $ user=234
> $ ./cat <(echo $user)
> 234
> works as expected.
> But after a chroot:
> $ chroot . ./bash
> user=234
> $  ./cat <(echo $user)
> ./cat: /dev/fd/63: No such file or directory
> In the directory I am chrooting in, I created a tmp folder, as well as
> proc, proc/self, and proc/self/fd, and a dev directory.

Can you strace -f the bash process to see what happens? How does ls -l
/dev/ look like?


Cedric Blancher <cedric.blanc...@gmail.com>
Institute Pasteur

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