On 03/10/2023 17:55, Johannes Thoma via Cygwin wrote:

Am 03.10.23 um 17:03 schrieb Cedric Blancher via Cygwin:
On Tue, 26 Sept 2023 at 06:39, Cedric Blancher
<cedric.blanc...@gmail.com> wrote:

Good morning!

Is it possible to load Visual Studio (VC19, VC22) debug info (*.pdb
files) into Cygwin gdb?


Or can VC19/VC22 create DWARF debug data?


As far as I know gdb cannot read program database (pdb) files since this file format is proprietary. I don't know about VC support for gdb but what you can do is to compile your application with mingw-w64
(if it is a non posix app). Then you can use gdb to debug it.

Hope that helps, best regards,

There was actually some upstream work on this (see the branch users/ssbssa/pdb-reader-preview in the binutils-gdb git repository), but unfortunately this seem to be abandoned.

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