
On 20/10/2023 12:40 pm, Shaddy Baddah via Cygwin wrote:

On 20/10/2023 11:50 am, Shaddy Baddah via Cygwin wrote:
What I am seeing is that for Cygwin/X, in multi-window mode (and it
just occurred to me it would be helpful to check the behaviour in
rooted(? manual page terminology) mode. I'll follow-up on this)...
in multi-window mode (Xwin -multiwindow), when I try to open an X window
for any given app, it is not displayed on the first run.

For completeness, rooted mode does not have this issue.

Also, a further note, once reproduced, further reproductions may require
exiting XWin, and restarting it.

I've found a bizarre, and to me, a hilarious, reason for this behaviour.

So my assertion that it happens once per app is wrong. It happens only
on the very first run of an X11 app on a newly started Xwin server. I
guess I noticed this when I ran different X11 apps as the first run app
against the Xwin server, and drew that longbow. Apologies for any
confusion. But it still happens that very first time.

*And* the app is actually displayed. Bizarely though, it is trapped
within the confines of the ConEmu (https://conemu.github.io/) command
session Xwin was started under. So if that ConEmu session is not at
the front of the visible stack, you have no idea the app has been

I haven't looked, but I speculate ConEmu, which is feature rich, has
some feature that makes it act as a "rooted" X window? It feels like a
reach though... the other theory is that something with it's DLL
injection perhaps. I'll look at that separate from Cygwin/X though.

I have tried using regular Windows command prompt, and this doesn't
happen. Nor with the Windows (Metro) Terminal app.

Again, sorry for any confusion this has caused.


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