On 13/11/2023 07:25, KAVALAGIOS Panagiotis (EEAS) via Cygwin wrote:
-----Original Message-----
From: Cygwin <cygwin-
bounces+panagiotis.kavalagios=eeas.europa...@cygwin.com> On Behalf Of
Mustafa Awni via Cygwin
Sent: 13 November 2023 08:16
To: 'cygwin@cygwin.com' <cygwin@cygwin.com>
Subject: "This app can't run on your PC"

Hi Cygwin team,

Hope you're doing well! I am a developer and I'm having issues with the
setup-x86_64.exe. I've tried running it with every compatibility mode, I've
worked with my company's IT, but nothing has worked and my IT team said
the only option left is to go to the source. I am running Windows 10
Enterprise, 64-bit operating system. The reason I want to update Cygwin, is
because when I run Cntlm (the proxy), it provides the error about
'find_fast_cwd'. As said on the Cygwin website, this can be solved by
updating. But when I download the .exe from the website, and I run the .exe
(no matter as admin or not, compatibility mode or not), I get a Windows pop
up that says "This app can't run on your PC". Are there any ideas you guys
may have on how to get past this? Feeling hopeless and couldn't find
anything online :(. Worth noting that my company's IT team has played
around with the firewall and it changed nothing.

Hope to hear back soon! Happy to provide more details if necessary as well.

That's weird. Have you also checked the checksum of the binary and it is the 
same? Is it blocked by any other antivirus?

Yeah, this is odd.

If the download isn't corrupt (i.e. the sha512 checksum matches that published), then we don't know why Windows should give this error message.

On the off-chance that it's the UPX compression which is causing this (as it occasionally seems to cause problems with some AV software), I've adjusted the build process (as I've been meaning to do for a while) so that the uncompressed executable is also uploaded.

You might like to try to see if the that helps with the latest build, which is at:


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