On 2023-11-27 00:46, matth...@gmx.at wrote:
Am Sonntag, dem 26.11.2023 um 12:21 -0700 schrieb Brian Inglis via Cygwin:
On 2023-11-26 10:12, Matthias--- via Cygwin wrote:
Am Samstag, dem 25.11.2023 um 19:45 +0100 schrieb ASSI via Cygwin:
Matthias--- via Cygwin writes:
Yes - That's the reason in my VM too:
     strace ssh-keygen -A
     --- Process 8280 loaded C:\Windows\System32\ntmarta.dll at 00007ffcbc790000
     --- Process 8280 thread 12528 created
     --- Process 8280 thread 15124 created
     --- Process 8280 thread 3324 created
     --- Process 8280, exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
     --- Process 8280 thread 12528 exited with status 0x0
     --- Process 8280 loaded C:\Windows\System32\kernel.appcore.dll at 
     --- Process 8280 thread 13908 exited with status 0xc0000005
     --- Process 8280 thread 3324 exited with status 0xc0000005
     --- Process 8280 exited with status 0xc0000005
     Segmentation fault

I'm fairly certain that this is not Cygwin's ssh-keygen…

I believe it is Cygwin's ssh-keygen because it is loading cygwin dlls too:
     strace /usr/bin/ssh-keygen.exe -A
     --- Process 14116 created
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll at 00007ffcbff90000
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\cygwin64\bin\cygcrypto-3.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\cygwin64\bin\cygwin1.dll at 00007ffc74c90000
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\cygwin64\bin\cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\cygwin64\bin\cygz.dll at 00000003feb50000
         1       1 [main] ssh-keygen (14116) 
       279     280 [main] ssh-keygen (14116) Program name: 
(windows pid
       190     470 [main] ssh-keygen (14116) OS version:   Windows NT-10.0
       125     595 [main] ssh-keygen (14116) 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\Windows\System32\advapi32.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 loaded C:\Windows\System32\ntmarta.dll at 
     --- Process 14116 thread 15044 created
     --- Process 14116 thread 10544 created
     --- Process 14116 thread 13588 created
     --- Process 14116, exception c0000005 at 0000000000000000
     --- Process 14116 thread 15044 exited with status 0x0
     --- Process 14116 thread 10544 exited with status 0xc0000005
     --- Process 14116 thread 14316 exited with status 0xc0000005
     --- Process 14116 exited with status 0xc0000005
     Segmentation fault

The Windows OpenSSH-Client is also installed in my VM:
     strace /cygdrive/C/Windows/System32/OpenSSH/ssh-keygen.exe -A
     --- Process 12532 created
     --- Process 12532 loaded C:\Windows\System32\ntdll.dll at 00007ffcbff90000
     --- Process 12532 loaded C:\Windows\System32\kernel32.dll at 
     --- Process 12532 loaded C:\Windows\System32\KernelBase.dll at 
     --- Process 12532 loaded C:\Windows\System32\apphelp.dll at 
     --- Process 12532 loaded C:\Windows\System32\winrnr.dll at 00007ffc77150000
     ssh-keygen: generating new host keys: RSA DSA ECDSA ED25519
     --- Process 12532 unloaded DLL at 00007ffc77110000
     and all keys are created in C:\ProgramData\ssh

So it looks like cygwin ssh-keygen.exe have a problem :(
BTW: similar Segmentation faults I have with "strace /usr/sbin/sshd.exe --help" 
as well as with
"strace /usr/bin/ssh.exe --help".
Both are loading cygwin dlls like cygcrypt-2.dll or cygiconv-2.dll as well as 
Windows dlls like
ntdll.dll or kernel32.dll.

Any hints?

That intercept does not run under strace on my Win 10 latest patches system.
My strace shows DHCP contacted before running gethostname, then keygens.

Does this system run a legacy A/V?

Add to BLODA? - legacy embedded security provider interface:


A/V is Antivirus? My VM is running Avira. Deactivating it haven't impact on 
ssh-keygen. I still have
an Segmentation fault.

Does the cygcheck, ldd, or strace still show ntmarta?

If so, then it is likely the intercept might be installed and need uninstalled to deactivate!

If you are running Avira Free, I get:


"System Requirements

Your device is not compatible

Operating systems

Microsoft Windows 7 Service Pack 1 or above with the newest updates, hotfixes, and service packs installed


2 GB of RAM or more

Disk Space

Minimum 2 GB of free disk space (additional space for temporary and quarantine files needed)

CPU type

Intel Pentium 4 / AMD Athlon 64 Processor or faster (with support for the SSE2 instructions set)


Internet Explorer 11 or newer

Additional requirements

To install, you’ll need administrator rights, an internet connection, and a web browser. For automatic antivirus updates and optimal malware detection, you’ll need an internet connection"

So you should try that page from the system with issues, and try something else if you get the same response, as it appears that is pretty old code running, or just try something newer like MS Windows Security/Defender/etc.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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non pas lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à ajouter  not when there is no more to add
mais lorsqu'il n'y a plus rien à retirer     but when there is no more to cut
                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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