On 18/12/2023 07:22, Dan Shelton via Cygwin wrote:
On Wed, 6 Dec 2023 at 05:08, Dan Shelton <dan.f.shel...@gmail.com> wrote:

I am unhappy to report a severe performance issue with find -ls, ls -R
and grep -r, with Cygwin 3.4.9 and Cygwin 3.5.0 when samba shares are

Imagine a directory with 256 subdirs, and each has 256 files per
subdir, all on a samba share, samba server is on Linux with tmpfs.

mkdir dir1
for ((i=0;i<256;i++)) ; do
     mkdir "dir1/subdir$i"
     for ((j=0; j < 256;j++));do
         echo  "j=$j" >"dir1/subdir$i/j$j.txt"

Time comparisations then show a dramatic difference, Debian Linux
accessing the samba share, WSL accessing the samba share, and Cygwin
accessing the samba share:
Why does that happen?

It would be nice if someone from the Cygwin authors could assist me in
figuring out why this happens.

My working theory is that the extra file and dir lookup calls are for
soft- and hardlink emulation for file systems which do not have soft-
or hardlinks?
If this is correct, then a fix might be to 1) determinate the
filesystem type (cached, per process lifetime in absence of
/etc/mnttab) and its boundaries (mount point, and whether other muont
points are below it) 2) Only use the emulation for FAT filesystems,
and for NTFS, REFS, SMBFS the native filesystem link is used.



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