On 2024-04-11 06:42, Jon Turney via Cygwin wrote:
On 03/04/2024 14:19, Yang Yu Lin via Cygwin wrote:
For Chinese language, the app’s default UI font is Microsoft YaHei UI. Using MS Shell Dlg makes the UI become annoying.
Here are my changes:
diff --git a/res/zh_Hans/res.rc b/res/zh_Hans/res.rc
index 9f67a5a..da9d6e8 100644
--- a/res/zh_Hans/res.rc
+++ b/res/zh_Hans/res.rc
  CAPTION "Cygwin 安装程序 - 选择安装类型"
-FONT 8, "MS Shell Dlg"
+FONT 9, "Microsoft YaHei UI"

Thanks very much for this patch!
So, this isn't applicable as is, because the localized res.rc files are generated from a template res.rc file and the language .po file (using po2rc from Translate Toolkit [1][2]).  See section starting after "rules for translation maintenance" in Makefile.am However, this seems like it would be straightforward to do via a post-processing step there. I'll take your word over the aesthetics of the font choice, but I do have a question about what versions of Windows we can assume that font is available on (in theory at least, one might be using a current setup executable to install Cygwin from the CTM on OSs back to Windows XP3)

MS Yahei UI appeared in Win8; Yahei Reg/Bold in Win7.

I wonder if we ought to be using "MS Shell Dlg 2" and/or DS_SHELLFONT, but the documentation about those is incomprehensible.

They appear to be intended to be "localizable" font names implemented using font substitution on each Windows language version to MS Sans Serif (MS UI Gothic if jp) and Tahoma (2 was for W2K):


If you have any future patches to setup, please send them to the cygwin-apps mailing list
[1] https://github.com/translate/translate
[2] (Although there may be some patches needed which have yet to make it upstream, so this might not work for you, yet)

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis              Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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                                -- Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

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