On Fri, Apr 12, 2024 at 4:05 AM J M  wrote:
> Some examples that I view that can do Cygwin better by default:
> tput colors
> 8
> echo $TERM
> xterm

I made my mintty changes by point & click experimentation - if you
want to make system-wide changes the place to do that is in
  Configuring mintty
  For its configuration, it reads configuration files in this order:
      ... etc.

$ grep -i term .minttyrc

$ tput colors

$ echo $TERM

> And if use vim, comparing with one Ubuntu terminal:
> I need to set "set mouse-=a" because the copy paste is difficult.
> The colors are very bright.
> The cursor does not look good when doing a search and moves over the yellow
> background text.
> What settings would I need to make it look like Ubuntu's vim?

I'd suggest doing a 'man vim' to find out where all the possible
configuration files are & then copy them to your cygwin machine.


> El jue., 11 abr. 2024 14:36, J M  escribió:
> > Hi,
> >
> > You can change in the initial install setup of Cygwin to set the default
> > terminal to 256 color as Ubuntu does?

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