On 4/19/2024 2:59 PM, Arnab Paul via Cygwin wrote:

I am trying to install a software which requires the libraries gcc-fortran,
make, libarpack-devel, liblapack-devel, libnetcdf-fortran-devel, git.
As I did and ran the commands given below,

git clone https://github.com/Aida-Alvera/DINEOF
cp config.mk.template config.mk

The make command is showing the problem as
Makefile:30: Compilers/Windows_NT-gfortran.mk: No such file or directory
make: *** No rule to make target 'Compilers/Windows_NT-gfortran.mk'.  Stop.

I am keeping Linux as my default OS but it is asking for the

Looking at the Makefile, lines 13 to 15, and 30:

The problem is that Makefile optionally sets OS to Linux (line 13) but in Cygwin OS is set to Windows_NT. i.e.
$ echo $OS

The solution is to change that environment variable.

There are several ways try correct that, try: make OS=Linux


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