Hi List!

I need your help with troubleshooting an issue with "pv": 

This app uses SIGALRM to interrupt a blocking write to STDOUT and read more 
data into the buffer.
On Linuxes write() returns 0 after the signal, but on Cygwin even though the 
signal handler is called, the write call does not return, at least when writing 
to a pipe.

In the user guide it says "All sockets are non-blocking under the hood to allow 
to interrupt blocking calls by POSIX signals". It doesn't mention pipes, but I 
think the pipes should also be non-blocking under the hood.

In main.c the use of O_NONBLOCK is commented with "this can cause problems with 
(broken) applications such as dd". If I uncomment it the app is able to detect 
that the pipe is ready for writing. Have you ever heard about O_NONBLOCK 
breaking dd?

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