>Hi all - I have been doing some JNI stuff to integrate our legacy software, and I 
>have had very good luck following the examples at 
>http://www.inonit.com/cygwin/jni/helloWorld/ .  The only twist is that I've been 
>using g++ instead of gcc, which simplifies the non-java part.
>Here's a question, though:  I cannot for the life of me figure out how to use the C++ 
><iostream> in any of the code!  For some reason, the "-mno-cygwin" flag kills the 
>ability of g++ to either compile or link any code referring to <iostream>.  This 
>means one is stuck using good old printf(), instead of the more modern way.  No 
>matter how I break up the complies, it still fails at the linking stage (when 
>-mno-cygwin is still required, according to my experiments).
>Does anyone have any ideas?  Also, I've been unable to find any documentation on the 
>-mno-cygwin flag in the gcc/g++ man pages.  Can anyone point me to where this comes 
>from and/or is documented?
>Thanks again for all of the help,
>Alan Thompson
>P.S.  I've been using Cygwin for quite a while now ant it's fantastic when you're 
>chained to a windoze machine....

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