Hi Corinna,

I d/l'd the latest snapshot (i.e. cygwin-inst-20030205.tar.bz2) and it unpacked it, restarted cygwin, and ran everything and it WORKED fine!

Below is the output of 'cygpath -version' to verify the version information:

/c/ipl-0.1/impl 2005% cygpath -version
cygpath (cygwin) 1.25
Path Conversion Utility
Copyright 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002 Red Hat, Inc.
Compiled on Feb 5 2003
/c/ipl-0.1/impl 2006%

Thank you for pointing me at the snapshots. I will go there from now on to get updates for the Cygwin core.


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