
If you use blat, then you don't have to care about the ssmtp settings, if you use ssmtp then you don't have to care about the blat settings. These are different approaches to send mail.

The MAILTO Variable inside crontab is only used by cron to invoke the default mailer (which might be ssmtp on a cygwin istallation) if your cron-job has output to stdout/stderr.

Since you're sending with blat you're missing the "-t" or "-to" to blat.exe!

Try adding -t $MAILTO

Best regards



a12 wrote:
Hi gurus,

In the process of mailing messages using cron, I have created
# mail any output to 'sysaccount', no matter whose crontab this is
0 * * * * /cygdrive/h/blat/blat.exe ssmtp -f [EMAIL PROTECTED] -f
[EMAIL PROTECTED] -server mail.fake.se -s "Subject"

However no mail is sent.

I have tested blat manually and it sends mail as expected.

/etc/ssmtp/revaliases contains comments only.
/etc/ssmtp/ssmtp.conf contains:

Windows Event Log contains the following entries:
Source: sSMTP mail
User:   RRBACK\sysaccount
Computer: RRBACK
Description: The description for Event ID (0) in Source (sSMTP
mail) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the
necessary registry information or message DLL files to display
messages from a remote computer. The following information is
part of the event: sSMTP mail: PID 856: /usr/sbin/ssmtp sent
mail for sysaccount.
Computer: RRBACK
Description: The description for Event ID (0) in Source
(USR/SBIN/CRON) cannot be found. The local computer may not
have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to
display messages from a remote computer. The following
information is part of the event: /USR/SBIN/CRON: PID 1012:
(sysaccount) MAIL (mailed 124 bytes of output but got status:

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