On Fri, 21 Mar 2003, Peter A. Castro wrote:

> > > 2. If you start mc under zsh in a *console* window with the command 
> > > prompt option, no prompt is shown - just the cursor:
> > > "_" instead of "[EMAIL PROTECTED] _"

I found the reason. Now I should think about a fix :) I have something in 
mind but will take a day or two and maybe a discussion on the MC 
developers list.

However here is short description of the problem for those interested.

When reading the subshell prompt MC displays that part of it, which is 
contained between the last '\r' or '\n' character and the end of the 
prompt. If there are control characters in this part they are stripped -
what's left is displayed to the user.

Now, when run in console window under Cygwin, (same should be on Linux) 
with the TERM variable set to 'cygwin', zsh ouputs this sequence:

\r\e[0;[EMAIL PROTECTED];36m%\e[m \e[K\e[I\e[I\e[I\e[I\e[I\e[I\e[I  \e[1;34m/\e[m 

Notice the final '\r' character, there is not a single printable character 
after it at all. So everything gets stripped and there is no prompt 
displayed in MC.

>From what I understand this control sequence wants to move the cursor 
right after the [EMAIL PROTECTED] part of the prompt - '\e[C' on Cygwin is
the cuf1 and kcuf1 terminfo capability.

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